You can help contribute to our Scholarship Program! Here's how.
1. Donate to the scholarship program. Your individual contribution is tax deductible.
2. Distribute this information to a PA based company.
PA Tax Credit for Buisness (EITC Program)
PA buisnesses are eligible for a tax credit - better than a deducttion.
The EITC program allows business stake holders to redirect tax dollars to support scholarships for talented students who could not otherwise attend the school of their choice.
EITC provides companies with a 75% tax credit up to $300,000 for donations to a nonprofit scholarship organization. The tax credit increases to 90%
if the company commits to making the same donation for two consecutive years. Tax credits may be applies against the tax liability of a business for the tax year in which the contribution was made.
PA businesses that pay any of the following taxes are eligible to participate in the EITC program:
- Personal Income Tax of a S Corop shareholders or partners in a general or limited partnership.
- Corporate Net Income Tax.
- Capital stock and Franchise Tax
- Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax
- Tile Insurance Companies Shares Tax
- Insurance Premiums Tax
- Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax
The EITC program is administered by the PA Dept of Comunity and Economic Development (DCED) on a first come, first served basis.
If you need more information, please see Mrs. Hughes or contact the EITC Web site at Thank you for your assistance in this matter.