Preschool – Registration $50.00
5 Full Days: $419.00 a month for 11 months
$4,609.00/school year
Please circle the days your child will attend: M T W Th F
4 Full Days: $389.00 a month for 11 months
$4,279.00/school year
Please circle the days your child will attend: M T W Th F
3 Full Days: $359.00 a month for 11 months
$3,949.00/school year
Please circle the days your child will attend: M T W Th F
5 Half Days: $369.00 a month for 11 months
$4,059.00/school year
Please circle the days your child will attend: M T W Th F
4 Half Days: $329.00 a month for 11 months
$3,619.00/school year
Please circle the days your child will attend: M T W Th F
3 Half Days: $289.00 a month for 11 months
$3,179.00/school year
Kindergarten – 6th Grade – Registration $50.00
First Child - $325.00/month for 12 months ($3,900/year)
Second Child - $275.00/month for 12 months ($3,300/year)
Third Child - $240/month for 12 months ($2,880/year)
Fourth Child or more - $225/month for 12 months ($2,700/year)
Summer Program – Registration - $50.00 Our fees for the program are as follows: $28.00 a day for the first child and $22.00 a day for each child after that. You will be charged a minimum of three days a week. Your child can attend 3, 4, or 5 days a week.
ASC – Trinity Student is $3.50 per hour and Non Trinity Student is $9.00 per day